The benefits of online shopping are plentiful, from the convenience to the vast variety of options. However, few benefits come to those who buy loose diamonds online. Avoid the hassle of making the wrong purchase, read our 10 reasons NOT to acquire diamonds from the Internet:
- Diamonds vastly range in color and clarity, hence their classifications. These intricacies can only be appreciated and discerned in person.
- A jewelry retailer lets you see the diamonds, touch them and more importantly, examine them and compare them to each other.
- You can’t truly experience the unique sparkle, shine and depth of a diamond from a photo online. A lot of times these "effects" can be added to a digitally enhanced photo.
- Its difficult to detect the quality, if there is haze, or how a diamond looks through a loupe when online.
- Diamond prices are anonymous online. Working with a jeweler in person creates an opportunity to learn more about their value and pricing structure.
- Be wary of "deals," you always get what you pay for. If you sense that the deal sounds to good to be true, you are probably right.
- A diamond is forever, so should be the memory of the purchase. Online transactions are fast and frivolous, is that how you want to remember your very important purchase?
- Most Internet sites do not provide maintenance, experience or service that a jewelry retail offers. An opportunity to create a relationship is certainly lost.
- Online diamond dealers and sellers are not always truthful. Avoid the stress of getting a fake certificate or mis-graded diamond by working with a trusted retailer.
- Nothing can replace the feeling of buying a diamond in person.
Visit Marlen Jewelers, we are always happy to answer all of your diamond questions.