September Birthstone: Sapphire

Sapphire, the September birthstone, has been popular since the Middle Ages and, according to folklore, will protect your loved ones from envy and harm.

Medieval clergy wore sapphires to symbolize heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings.

Marlen Jewelers' current selection of sapphire pieces includes these beautiful pendants.

Marlen Jewelers' current selection of sapphire pieces includes these beautiful pendants.

Blue sapphires range from very light to very dark greenish or violetish blue, as well as various shades of pure blue. The most prized colors are a medium to medium dark blue or slightly violetish blue.

Sapphire is a variety of the gem species corundum and occurs in all colors of the rainbow. Pink, purple, green, orange, or yellow corundum are known by their color (pink sapphire, green sapphire). 

A beautiful sapphire gift is perfect for your loved one's September birthday. Please stop in our beautiful showroom and let us show you our collection.