All About February's Birthstone, Beautiful Amethyst

Found all over the world, Amethyst is a dreamy gem!

This February stone varies greatly depending on its cut.

Even the same quartz stone can have layers or color variants, so the way the gemstone is cut is important to the way the color shows in a finished piece.

Even the same quartz stone can have layers or color variants, so the way the gemstone is cut is important to the way the color shows in a finished piece.

While amethyst is most commonly recognized to be a purple color, the gemstone can actually range from a light pinkish violet to a deep purple that can read more blue or red, depending on the light.

Amethyst is composed of quartz, the second most abundant material found in the Earth’s crust. Amethyst gets its color from irradiation, iron impurities and the presence of trace elements. Its hardness makes it a durable and lasting option for jewelry.

Amethyst often occurs in geodes or in the cavities of granitic rocks. It can be found all over the world, including the United States, Canada Brazil and Zambia. The name comes from the Ancient Greek, derived from the word “methustos,” which means “intoxicated.” Ancient wearers believed the gemstone could protect them from drunkenness.

Please come in to our showroom and browse beautiful amethyst birthstone gifts. Perfect for a February birthday!

Source: American Gem Society.