May Birthstone: Enchanting Emerald

Prized for its brilliant and beautiful green color, the emerald is often favored by the rich and famous, such as Elizabeth Taylor, to wear as statement pieces.

The perfect gemstone for Spring: the Emerald!

The perfect gemstone for Spring: the Emerald!

As the birthstone for May, the emerald, a symbol of rebirth, is believed to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth. 

The deeper or more green an emerald, the more valuable it is. The rarest emeralds will appear to be an intense green-blue.

Like other gemstones, the emerald was believed to have many mystical powers that accompanied its beauty. There were those who thought the emerald could cure stomach problems, control epilepsy and stop bleeding. Maybe due to its soothing green color, it was also thought to be able to ward off panic and keep the wearer relaxed and serene.

Today, emerald is a symbol of loyalty, new beginnings, peace and security, making it not only a beautiful gem to wear, but also a meaningful gift to be treasured by the receiver.
**Source: American Gem Society

Please come to our showroom and browse our collection of beautiful emerald pieces. Our gemstone experts can further educate you and guide you in your selection process.